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Code of Conduct:


Wainwright Dance Academy (WDA) Duties and Responsibilities of Members 


Expectations of Dancers 

We strive to provide an enjoyable, friendly, and challenging dance experience for every child. Therefore, expectations are as follows:


  1. Please be punctual.

  • Late arrivals disrupt class. 

  • It is up to the Instructor’s discretion whether or not a late arrival is excusable or not. 


2. Please be attentive 

  • ​Class time is precious


3. Swearing, foul language, or disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated. Everyone is to be treated with respect – teachers, fellow dancers, and parents. Incident reports will be filled out by the Instructor, given to the Board, and retained for one year.


     First Offence

     The dancer is asked to refrain from the behaviour. 

     The parent is notified.


     Second Offence

     The dancer is asked to sit out the remainder of the class, and is asked to complete a refection report (with        parental input  as age appropriate).  The parent is notified.


     Third Offence 

     The dancer is asked to leave the class. A meeting will be held between the parent, Instructor, two Board              Members and the dancer (if appropriate).


     After 3 offences, it is the Instructor’s choice to allow the dancer to compete at festivals/competitions.


4. Water bottles are recommended. Please label with dancer’s name and have a lid to avoid spills.


5. If you require different attire in the same night, you are not required to change.


6. Leave the change rooms neat at the end of the night.


7. Only wear tap shoes in the back studio. Taps will damage the front studio floor and the waiting area. Tile and carpeting will damage the taps.


8. Cell phone use/texting is strictly prohibited during class time. Leave cell phones on silent mode in bags during class. 


9. Dress appropriately.





Select photos are courtesy of SDI Photography, Thunderstruck Canada,

Sheri White Photography, TJ Photography & L Smiley Photography.

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