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Spring Recital




Everyone must participate in the Dress Rehearsal with the

expectation that we will run through the entire program with

full hair and costume (make up is not required) to ensure

adequate change times between numbers.


Traditionally this rehearsal will run late and through supper

so please ensure your child is adequately provided for.

Remember there is NO food or drink allowed in the theatre.

The dancers are allowed to have a water bottle. Only dancers

are allowed in the theatre during Dress Rehearsal, parents

and others must remain outside. Thank you in advance for

your cooperation.




At least one parent from each family MUST sign up for a

volunteer job to help make the year end recital successful.

Please know that we cannot put on this production without the help of everyone. Also, please make sure that you HAVE NOT signed up to work during the same performance that you have also purchased tickets to watch. It is not possible to be in two different places at the same time.  Once you sign up and know which performance you are helping with, feel free to buy tickets and watch whichever or all of the other performances if you like.




Recital Tickets will be available for purchase at a store in town TBA at which time any remaining tickets will be sold at the door to the performance(s). 



There are Three Main Performances:


*All WDA dancers will perform in all three of the main performances to showcase the dances they learned in each of their instructional classes.


Dancers should arrive at the C-plex 60 minutes prior to show time ready to perform with full hair and make up completed before arrival. Please do not dress your child in his/her costume until arriving at the C-plex to avoid any possibilities of compromising the outfit (mud, falling and tearing tights, etc).





All parents are kindly asked to donate two dozen cookies or squares. These snacks are for the audience members (NOT dancers) during intermissions. Please drop off the cookies/squares at the C-plex kitchen before the first performance.




There is no flash photography nor videoing of any kind allowed in the theatre during the performances, as it is very distracting and could cause an injury to an unsuspecting dancer. 




Please provide non-staining snacks and drinks for your child as they wait for their turn to perform at the recital. **Because there are dancer(s) who have food allergies it is important when bringing food/snacks to avoid having peanuts/peanut products and to ensure that you are not distributing/sharing foods with anyone without the permission of his/her parent(s).**  


A housecoat provides a good cover to keep costumes, tights, etc clean while children eat and play between dances.


You may also send coloring books (no markers), playing cards, movies, etc to keep your child(ren) entertained in the change room. Running around is prohibited as it exhausts the children, creates unnecessary noise, and increases the chance for unnecessary injuries.


Each of the younger dance groups (up to age 9) require constant supervision. Please be sure that you (or another responsible adult) will be able to stay in the change room to help supervise your child(ren) and make sure all costumes, hair, and make up are ready before the children go on stage.



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